Stainforth Kirton Lane Primary School

E-Safety Page 


Social Media and Online Gaming is now a part of Children's everyday life. When respected and used responsibly, both can be positive tools to a childs development.

However it is becoming increasingly apparent that many online platforms are being abused and accessed for all the wrong reasons. This page is here to give helpful advice and links to how you can keep your child safe whilst online.


To view resources and information for children, parents, carers, and teachers, please visit the following websites.

Online resources to keep you safe

BBC website
The BBC provides a range of information about the laws that protect you and your data online as well as content on online security and safety both for adults and children.

Cyber Aware
A government produced site that provides information about how you can protect yourself as well as your device, data, and business online by being cyber aware.

Get Safe Online
Guidelines to protect both yourself and your business online with information on securing your computer, safeguarding children, and using social media safely.

Online resources for parents and carers

A parents’ guide to technology - The UK Safer Internet Centre has created this guide to answer commonly asked questions and introduce some of the most popular devices used by children, highlighting the safety tools available and empowering parents with the knowledge they need to support their children to use these technologies safely and responsibly.

Internet parental controls

The four big internet providers – BT, Sky, Talk Talk and Virgin Media – provide their customers with free parental controls that can be activated at any time. Video tutorials on how to download and use these controls are available on the UK Safer Internet Centre website. 

Where to report/get help

Need help?
Information about what to do if a child comes to you for help and advice about how to report online concerns such as cyber-bullying, inappropriate content, or illegal behaviour.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)
A police agency tackling child abuse on the internet. This web site includes a unique facility that enables parents and young people to make reports of actual or attempted abuse online. 

Think U Know
This website contains information for children and parents, as well as a link for children to report abuse online.
Internet Watch Foundation - Part of the UK Safer Internet Centre, the IWF is the UK’s hotline for reporting illegal content found on the internet. It deals specifically with child abuse and criminally obscene images hosted in the UK and internationally.

The NSPCC online safety helpline for parents and carers will answer questions and address concerns about a child’s online safety – 0808 800 5000.

Children can chat to a counsellor online or talk to someone for advice and support at any time by contacting Childline on 0800 1111. 

True Vision
Online content which incites hatred on the grounds of race, religion and sexual orientation can be reported to True Vision; a UK website set up to tackle all forms of hate crime, including those on the grounds of disability and transgender identity.

Useful websites
Digital living magazine from Vodafone.

Sharing images and videos online



If you need help managing your childrens accounts and devices, you can use Google Family Link or Apple Family Sharing to help.

Google Family Link 

This is a parental control app from

Google that lets you:
                                See activity reports showing how long they spend on each app.
                                Approve or block new app downloads.
                                Set screen time limits.
                                Find their location (using their device).

You will need to download an app and then decide on the appropriate settings. Further information is here

Apple Family Sharing

You can set up Family Sharing in the settings of your device.

Family Sharing allows you to:
                                              Share Apple subscriptions and limit screen time
                                              Share purchases from the Apple Store.
                                              Approve what children purchase/download. Limit screen time.
                                              Share locations and find devices.

 Further information can be found here    

 Please find attached our E-Safety Leaflet, which is aimed to help parents/carers guide their children through the internet safely.

Kirton Lane Primary School, E-Safety Leaflet.



Minecraft remains ever popular and can be a great learning tool that is often
used in schools to teach planning skills, recreate famous buildings in 3D and
coding. Players use building blocks to create their own worlds. 


What should I be aware of?

Multiplayer – children can interact with others (including strangers), you can
switch this option off within settings or choose to play offline.

Chat facility – you do have the option to switch this off.

Block and report players – if your child is playing with others, make sure they
know how to block and report players within the game.

Additional purchases – be aware of in app purchases and the purchase of
additional items (skin packs) to support (although not needed) game play.

You can protect your child’s privacy by using a nickname (don’t include their age/birth year) rather than their real name for their profile and chat to your child to make sure that when playing online they know not to
share personal information. Also, make sure they know they can talk to you or a trusted adult if anybody or
anything is making them feel uncomfortable.


Futher info can be found at