Kirton Lane School Day
It is a priority that good time-keeping is kept in school and this begins at the start of each school day. We respectfully ask that you ensure that your children arrive to school on time.
Arrival times for each class can be found below. The school gates will be locked from 9am and anyone who is late shall need to report to the school office, where the lateness will be recorded and their child taken round to the relevant classroom.
The school gates will be locked from 8:55am and anyone who is late will need to report to the school office, where the lateness will be recorded.
Start time: 8:45am
Collection time: 11:45am
Reception - Year 6
Start time: 8:45am
Collection time: 3:15pm
Arrangements for the start and end of the school day
Children in Year 4 and below are not allowed out of their class until the are collected by a parent or carer. Any alternative arrangements as to who is collecting your child must be informed to the school office before collection time.
If parents/carers are delayed and are unable to collect their child at the correct time the teachers will ask the child to remain in the classroom for approximately 10 minutes and then the teacher will bring the child to wait outside the office at the entrance of the school. We encourage parents to contact school asap if they are going to be late to avoid children getting worried or upset.
Children in years 5 and 6 are allowed to walk home alone if the school has received a completed consent form from the parent/carer responsible.