Stainforth Kirton Lane Primary School

After School Clubs & Consent


The table below shows the After School Clubs available to each class for this half term (Autumn 1).

These clubs begin the week commencing Monday 9th September. 

There are not to be any clubs for Reception and Year 1 this half term. This is to ensure the children are fully settled into their new classes first. 

Please complete the consent form below for your child to join a club this half term. Please choose the club that applies to your child's class.

The clubs are open to different year groups throughout the year. A full calendar of clubs for the school year will be added to this page shortly. If a particular club is not available to your child's class this term, it may be open to them at a later date. 

Some clubs have limited spaces. Should your child not get a space this time, they will be placed on a reserve list for next time. 

Parents will only receive a confirmation text from the clubs that have limited spaces. 

Spaces in the Forest School Club are made by paper consent and have been sent out by Ms Farling.  



Please complete the consent form for your child to take part in an After School Club. Please choose the club that is applicable to your child's class.