Stainforth Kirton Lane Primary School


 School Staff 


Here at Kirton Lane we are very lucky to have such a hard working, caring team of people that make up our staff family. Our overall aim in school is to ensure the children are happy, healthy and are achieving to the best of their ability through our keys to success and core values. Below is a list of our staff's names, the class they work within and the role they have within Kirton Lane Primary School.  


For any queries please contact Miss Birkett or Mrs Collins who are all based in the school office. 

Telephone 01302 842092




Head Teacher:                    Mr T Foster (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Deputy Head Teacher:       Mrs K Blenkiron 

Acting SENco:                    Mrs M Butler 



FS1 Teachers :                    Mrs K Sheehan

FS2 Teachers:                     Mrs R Rogers - Deputy Designated safeguarding lead

Y1 Teacher:                         Miss G Flint 

Y2 Teacher:                         Mrs S Costello -  Deputy Designated safeguarding lead

Y3 Teacher:                         Miss N Hilton

Y4 Teacher:                         Miss D O'Neill

Y5 Teacher                          Mrs D Risley-Jones 

Y6 Teacher:                         Miss E Rowson 


Communication Champion: Mrs L Smith 



Higher Level Teaching Assistants:  

Ms. J Espley (FS/ KS1)

Mrs T Leach (KS2)




Teaching Support Assistants:

   Miss C Bingham

     Mrs D Anderson 

     Mrs L. Beddoes

     Mrs S. Cleland

     Mrs S. Duke

     Mrs D. Kitchen

     Mrs S. Lambert

     Mrs A. Oxley

     Mrs M. Turner

     Mrs B. Gregory

     Miss L. Knowles  

     Miss S. Farling   (Forest School Practitioner)

     Mrs Corker-Fletcher

     Mr C Watson

     Mrs L Hughes

     Mrs S Harrison-Taylor 





 Office Staff


Business Manager:            Miss Y. Birkett

Administrative Assistant:    Mrs L. Collins 




Site Supervisor:                    Mr  J. Oxley



Cook in Charge:                      Mrs C Downing               

Kitchen Support Staff:             Mrs T. Squires




Senior Midday Supervisor:        Mrs W. Hill

Midday Supervisor:                   Mrs T Morris




Cleaning Staff:               

      Mrs J Finley

                                                     Mrs D. Brolly



There are 0 employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.