Stainforth Kirton Lane Primary School

Year 5



To infinity and beyond...What fantastic experiences we've had this half term learning about Space. Not only have we visited the National Space Museum, we have seen an actual space shuttle! This half term we have learnt a great deal about space, particularly the solar system, our moon and gravity (the force which keeps our feet firmly on the ground). Did you know that there are different 'strengths' of gravity, depending upon where you are in the universe. If you want to know more facts about Space come and see our topic books.
One of our highlights this half term has to be the moment we all won Mr Foster's competition. We had to use our knowledge of materials to protect and 'egg-stronaut' in our homemade rockets. We launched them into the air and we all were successful in protecting our egg. It was egg-xcellent! Bye for now!  


We travelled back 5000 years to the dusty realms of ancient Egypt. We cruised along the Nile and entered a world of mysteries, curses, mummies and kings. We found out about life on the river's fertile banks and unravelled the secrets of ancient tombs. We investigated the powerful pharaohs and grandiose gods. We used the ancient form of communication to write our names; see if you can spot them around school.
To finish our fantastic project, we became apprentices and worked for Ramose - the chief embalmer. We helped prepare Queen Katahmun for the journey to the afterlife. Speak to us about our fantastic discoveries.

Scream Machine

In year 5 we have been learning all about roller coasters. We wanted to find out why you don’t fall off a roller coaster when it is upside down. We did an experiment, using a bucket and some water, to see how centripetal force works. Have a look at our pictures to see that the water doesn’t come out.

This half term we have been completing a project about creating our own theme park. We have had to create and design our theme park, write an advert to persuade people to visit, calculate how much the theme park will cost to build, calculate the profit and to work out a star rating of our theme park. We have really enjoyed working together in our teams and completing a real life project.

In maths we have been learning all about area, perimeter and angles. We enjoyed going outside to identify different types of angles in the school playground.


This half term, we have been learning all about Ancient Egypt. We located Egypt on a world map and looked at the different landmarks such as the River Nile and the Valley of the Kings.

In literacy we have been researching the discovery of Tutankhamun. Did you know that Tutankhamun was only 19 years old when he died? Also, we have been writing stories about discovering our own tomb!

In maths we have been deepening our reasoning and problem-solving skills by focusing on the four operations. Also, we have been learning about co-ordinates. We used our knowledge from maths to create our own treasure maps.

This half term, we were lucky enough to go on an amazing trip to Sheffield Museum. During the morning, we had chance to mummify a dead person (don’t worry it was only a doll!). We all had great fun taking out the organs and brains! When we looked around the museum we saw two sarcophagi and a real mummy. It was quite scary because you could see its toes. When we got back to school we decided we have our own mummy wrapping competition.

We have really enjoyed learning about Ancient Egypt which you can see from the effort we put into our homework project.


Princes, Peasants and Pestilence


In year 5 this half term we have been learning about the Black Death. We have discussed and researched when the Black Death happened, where it originated and some of the symptoms people had, who suffered from the Black Death. Did you know that people had boils under their armpits the size of apples?

In literacy we have used personification to write about pestilence to give it human like features. Also, we have travelled back in time and wrote our own diaries about what is was like living during the 14th century. I think we’re glad we didn’t live during the Black Death.

We have been having fun in our new role play area, where the plague doctor makes a cure to give to those who are infected. As well as making our own cures, we have been looking at the sensory properties of different herbs that were used to treat those with the bubonic plague.

In computing week we were cryptographers. We looked at semaphore, Morse code and Caesar ciphers. We enjoyed trying to communicate using semaphore and trying to crack different codes. It was tricky at first but we stuck at it! We also learned about keeping our passwords extra safe and the importance of not telling people our passwords.

We are really enjoying our Black Death topic and can’t wait to learn more about it.


This half term our topic has been “Stargazers”. We have been learning all about the planets and moon in our solar system and investigating why the earth is round. Also, we have been learning about the different phases of the moon and recreated the phases by using oreo biscuits!

To coincide with our topic, in literacy we have been learning mnemonics, invented our own moon myth and written a gravity rap.

In maths we have been learning about place value, addition, subtraction and calculating what we would weigh on different planets.